Friday, January 29, 2010

ಹೆಲ್ಪ್ ತಗೆ POOR

Hope and Solidarity for Haiti
Please Help Haiti Now
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Help Haiti, Please. Please donate to Red Cross.

From e-mails received by webmaster:

This is a message that I got from one of my best friend Ari

Nou tout anfòm men nou pa gen manje. Ari

Mwen ok, men nou grangou. = I am just okay, but I am starving.

My brother Ron Just called me; a while ago. They doing okay, they still have no food, electricity. He said the office of Western Union is opened in Cap Haitian. The situation is very chaotic. I am trying to help as much as a can. I have never seen anything like this in Haiti.

We just received word my cousin, her husband and her children that live in Port-Au-Prince are physically okay. One of the girls was trapped under rubble but was dugout unharmed. They are, needless to say very traumatized by the earthquake. Trauma healing will be needed. Immediate need is food and water. Although food is being distributed in some areas, many remain with out. For those with money, at present there is no where to buy food as open air markets were flattened as were the supermarkets. I just received an email with a first hand account of the devastation. The slums down along the waters edge, such as City Soley, were pretty well flatten and now non-existent. With hospitals destroyed and many doctors and medical staff either killed or dealing with the death of their loved ones, the ability to provide medical care is severely strained. We thank every one for their continued prayers. We will keep you updated as we learn more.
The Prayer of Saint Francis
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"O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy Peace!
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is discord, harmony.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sorrow, joy.

Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life."
Haiti: a beautiful Island
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Christopher Columbus claimed Haiti when he landed there in 1492. Arawak Indians were the original inhabitants of this island when Columbus arrived. Later, the island became a colony of England. Haiti remained virtually unsettled until the mid-17th century, when French colonists, importing African slaves, developed sugar plantations in the north. Under French rule from 1697, Haiti (then called Saint-Domingue) became one of the world's richest sugar and coffee producers.

Soon, Haiti became a land of wealth with the vast use of slavery as their method of production. The rising demand for sugar, coffee, cotton, and tobacco created a greater demand for slaves by other slave trading countries. Spain, France, the Dutch, and English were in competition for the cheap labor needed to work their colonial plantation system producing those lucrative goods. The slave trade was so profitable that, by 1672, the Royal African Company chartered by Charles II of England superseded the other traders and became the richest shipper of human slaves to the mainland of the Americas. The slaves were so valuable to the open market - they were eventually called "Black Gold."

Plantation owners began to be represented in the colony either by their agents or plantation managers, who kept them informed of production levels, profits, expenses, and the general operations of the plantation. The arrogance and conceit of these agents, or procurers, was that they were surrounded by a multitude of domestic slaves to satisfy every want or need of their own. The greater number of domestic slaves one may have entails a great amount of prestige for these people in their time of the early 1700's and no thought was given to the immoral ways and acts taken by their race because they though it not an issue. Plantation owners and those of the like continued to be heavily involved in social aspects of culture and the French way of life. Commuting from their authoritatively constructed world of pleasure in France with wealth and prestige combined with the occasional visits to the plantation for business.

The life of a plantation owner and those that surround him is of luxury and negative profusion. The Haitians are almost wholly black, with a culture that is a unique mixture of African and French influences. Haiti was a French colony until 1791 when, fired by the example of the French Revolution, the black slaves revolted, massacred the French landowners and proclaimed the world's first black republic. As noted, this is the first revolution of slaves against their owners and their success did not go unnoticed. The treatment of slaves around the globe is quite unjust. Because of the colonization of Haiti by France, the importation of African slaves, and the original inhabitants, the Arawak Indians, three languages were spoken on the island. This sparked a need for a common language between the inhabitants of the island. In fact, a large factor in the success of the Haitian Revolution (1804) was the creation of Haitian Creole through African dialects and French. The fact that the majority of the residents spoke their language made their domination even more prevalent.

The language was created through the slavery and the need for communication. The people of Haiti were also aware that Creole was spreading to Jamaica as well and their match had been met. 'Invisible' and anxious to be 'seen' by their masters, the privileged few of the black culture and the mass of freed blacks conceived of visibility through the eyes of their masters' already uncertain vision of life. The slaves of Haiti rose up against their French and mulatto masters in August of 1791. This marked the beginning of the end of one of the greatest wealth-producing slave colonies the world had ever known. The early leaders forming the core of this movement were Boukman Dutty, Jeannot Bullet, Jean-Francois, and George Biassou. Later, slaves armies were commanded by General Toussaint who was eventually betrayed by his officers Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe who opposed his policies.

The revolt consisted of long days and nights and the energy to continue to fight and defend their cause. It ended in 1804 and the island of Haiti became a free land without slavery. Haitian Creole preserves much of French phonological, morphological, syntactical, and lexical characteristics, but a merger of both French structural features and West African features characterizes the language. The inflectional system of French is greatly reduced. As with the pidgin languages, which result from the need to communicate with the overseers and those who did not share the same language, this was a development in linguistics, which is still studied today. The expansion and strength of the languages are a part of our history and are present in other lands of slavery and persecution.

Although pidgin is used for trade only and for no social communication, its use resulted in a new form of communication, or language, for the new people in the New World. The bioprogram hypothesis (Gooden handout) "claims that Pidgin/Creole is the "invention" of children growing in a multiracial community. These children find the "language" being spoken inadequate and without enough structure to function as a natural language." This is true because the children and women slaves needed to communicate with other slaves from different African dialects and they needed to communicate with the overseers as well. Today, Haitian Creole is spoken by 95% of the people who live there. It also has the largest number of speakers of the Caribbean Creoles. Speakers include 700,000 in Haiti; 159,00 in the Dominican Republic; and 200,000 in New York City. French is an official language along with Haitian Creole, yet many people in Haiti do not speak French.

It became the official language in 1804 at the end of the revolution. The Haitian flag was a result of removing the white band from the French flag and turning it on its side. The decision for the flag came from those who were victorious in the revolution and its leaders of freedom. It is also meaningful to know that many of the migrants from Haiti are driven not only by political issues but also by the immense amount of AIDS and other third world country issues like potable water, deforestation and soil erosion.

Although, Haiti is still plentiful with trees and vegetation, a large amount of their farmland is being destroyed and food has become a rare commodity to those who are underprivileged. This resulted in fleeing the country and in the 1980's, it was reported than more than 500,000 Haitians had migrated to the United States, legally and illegally, to New York, Miami, Chicago, Boston and Philadelphia. The information on Haitian Creole is quite scarce and the resources of worthwhile information regarding the creation and purpose Creole has served in Haiti, and other places, is not available.

Many resources regarding the Haitian Revolution are present and the requirement focuses more on the impact and development of the language. The ability to make communication work in a confused and inappropriate era of turmoil in the eyes of the slaves is a profound result of God and life. The development of another language out of others is mind-power, strength, inventiveness and tenacity. The people of Haiti continue to be mistreated and neglected by many countries of the United Nations.

The United States can apply only so much support to one country since we are looking after many countries as the lead nation in the world as support. The assistance that is needed by Haiti is of immense detail and the feats of success are few and far between for many of the local people in Haiti. Problems exist here because of the age-old tradition of neglect and desecration of the people of Haiti and their ancestors who hands created the land of wealth that benefited those before them.

Bibliography Scott III, Julius Sherrard "The Common Wind" UMI Publishing 1986 Dayan, Joan "Haiti, History, and the Gods" University of California Press 1995 Fick, Carolyn E. "The Making Of Haiti: The Saint Domingue Revolution from Below" The University of Tennessee Press 1990 rl407/creole/ haitian.html Title: Haitian Creole Yahoo search students/Newsletter96F1/ creole.html Title: The Origin of Haitian Creole Yahoo search

Matthew 25:35-40 (New International Version)
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For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'

Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
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Timeline: Haiti
A chronology of key events:

1492—Christopher Columbus lands and names the island Hispaniola, or Little Spain.

1496—Spanish establish first European settlement in western hemisphere at Santo Domingo, now capital of Dominican Republic.

1697—Spain cedes western part of Hispaniola to France, and this becomes Haiti, or Land of Mountains.

1801—A former black slave who became a guerrilla leader, Toussaint Louverture, conquers Haiti, abolishing slavery and proclaiming himself governor-general of an autonomous government over all Hispaniola.

1802—French force led by Napoleon's brother-in-law, Charles Leclerc, fails to conquer Haitian interior.

1804—Haiti becomes independent; former slave Jean-Jacques Dessalines declares himself emperor.

1806—Dessalines assassinated and Haiti divided into a black-controlled north and a mulatto-ruled south

1818-43—Pierre Boyer unifies Haiti, but excludes blacks from power.

1915—US invades Haiti following black-mulatto friction, which it thought endangered its property and investments in the country.

1934—US withdraws troops from Haiti, but maintains fiscal control until 1947.
Duvalier dictatorships

1956—Voodoo physician Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier seizes power in military coup and is elected president a year later.

1964—Duvalier declares himself president-for-life and establishes a dictatorship with the help of the Tontons Macoute militia.

1971—Duvalier dies and is succeeded by his 19-year-old son, Jean-Claude, or "Baby Doc", who also declares himself president-for-life.

1986—Baby Doc flees Haiti in the wake of mounting popular discontent and is replaced by Lieutenant-General Henri Namphy as head of a governing council.

1988—Leslie Manigat becomes president, but is ousted in a coup led by Brigadier-General Prosper Avril, who installs a civilian government under military control.
Democracy, coup and intervention

1990—Jean-Bertrand Aristide elected president.

1991—Aristide ousted in a coup led by Brigadier-General Raoul Cedras, triggering sanctions by the US and the Organisation of American States.

1993—UN imposes sanctions after the Haitian military regime rejected an accord facilitating Aristide's return.

1994—Haitian military regime relinquishes power in the face of an imminent US invasion; US forces land in Haiti peacefully to oversee a transition to civilian government; Aristide returns.

1995—UN peacekeepers begin to replace US troops; Aristide supporters win parliamentary elections; Rene Preval elected in December to replace Aristide as president.

1996—Preval sworn in as president.

1997-99—Serious political deadlock; new government named.

1999—Preval declares that parliament's term has expired and begins ruling by decree following a series of disagreements with deputies.
Aristide's second term

2000 November—Aristide elected president for a second non-consecutive term, amid allegations of irregularities.

2001 July—Presidential spokesman accuses former army officers of trying to overthrow the government after armed men attack three locations, killing four police officers.

2001 December—30 armed men try to seize the National Palace in an apparent coup attempt; 12 people are killed in the raid, which the government blames on former army members.

2002 July—Haiti is approved as a full member of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) trade bloc.

2003 April—Voodoo recognised as a religion, on a par with other faiths.

2003 July—Inter-American Development Bank resumes loan programme, raising hopes for further international support.

2004 January—Celebrations marking 200 years of independence marred by violence and protests against President Aristide's rule.

2004 February—Uprising against Aristide intensifies. Rebels claim to have seized some towns and cities. Dozens are killed in violence.
Importance Of Education
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In this Twenty-First Century, the value of education has taken on a whole new meaning. Education is an important tool that contributes to several aspects of a person’s life in order to take advantage of what has been learned and how to productively use it in either personal or professional life. Being educated is something that has always been looked at as a positive achievement that feels good and looks good on a resume. A paper education can almost assure someone of making more money in their lifetime. So no matter what, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life.

Quoted from John Adams, “There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living, and the other how to live.” Two types of education that basically exposed to the world are formal education and informal education, which are seems to be familiar to us. Formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained teachers. Informal education happens outside the classroom, in after-school programs, community-based organizations, museums, libraries, or at home. Both formal and informal education settings offer different strengths to the educational outreach project. Formal education needs to meet the educational standards and stick to a specified curriculum. Informal education, on the other hand, can be more flexible with their content. However, both formal and informal educations are essential to everyone.

The major role of education is to create an educated society. In the culture today, there is a huge emphasis on education, especially higher education. Society usually says the more educated, the better of a person will be. That is pretty much true if a person live by the means of society. The basic idea that education, especially a college education, is something that people should pursue even into their adult years is not any means a new idea. Every society has specialized individuals...

Thursday, August 27, 2009


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Monday, August 24, 2009


Start Your Own Information product Business Without Doing The Work Yourself. I'll Do The Work Required To Help You Start Making Money With Your Own Online Business From The Comfort Of Your Room Guaranteed.
Using a Simple System Which I Will Use to Create Your Own Information Store


Note: This program is not an investment scheme. it requires a working knowledge of a computer.

Date: August 24, 2009

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

ಸಂಯೋಲು abidemi

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Sanyaolu Abidemi hello,I am looking for an older woman to have a relationship with. Perferably one with a strong sex drive who loves to be naughty. The relationship can be either public or descreet. I wouldnt mind walking around with her no matter the age difference. ... Read MoreSomething an older woman that turns me on so much. They have this nature to know exactly what they want and how to get it not to mention their cum tastes sweet and thick
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009



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Direction, Discipline and Service: The Heart of a Master/slave Relationship

Where: The LGBT Center, 208 West 13th Street between 7th and 8th Avenues
When: Friday, July 17th, 2009; 8-10 PM
Cost: $10 general admission/$5 LSM members

Master/slave relationships come in all sizes and shapes, but nearly all successful ones have something in common: a basic structure and philosophy that guides the relationship. Join slave marsha - who has lived in a M/s relationship for over 12 years -- as she discusses the basics of structuring and living in a Master/slave relationship, and offers real-world advice for keeping the heart of a M/s relationship beating strong.

About slave marsha

Slave marsha, International slave 2001, has been involved in the leather/SM community for many years, and has been in service to Master Jim of Dallas for over 12 years. As a Femme leatherdyke, marsha is grateful that her Owner has allowed her to have a romantic relationship with Sir Cougar, a Butch leatherdyke. In July 2006, Master Jim officiated a Union Ceremony for marsha and Sir Cougar, joining them as life partners.

Over the past 10 years, marsha has presented seminars and keynote speeches at hundreds of groups and events all across the country on both Master/slave relationships and on issues specific to leatherwomen, and she has been honored for her work in the Master/slave community with several awards. marsha is one of the co-owners of South Plains Leatherfest-International Master/slave Weekend and the International Master/slave Contest, held in Dallas each February. Her goal is to make South Plains a home where leatherwomen feel welcomed, comfortable and honored for what they bring to the community.

In addition to serving her Owner and teaching in the community, marsha loves riding her 2005 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe and being treated like a princess by her handsome Butch Daddy.