Monday, August 24, 2009


Start Your Own Information product Business Without Doing The Work Yourself. I'll Do The Work Required To Help You Start Making Money With Your Own Online Business From The Comfort Of Your Room Guaranteed.
Using a Simple System Which I Will Use to Create Your Own Information Store


Note: This program is not an investment scheme. it requires a working knowledge of a computer.

Date: August 24, 2009

Dear Friend,

This is no games, it is not a trick. I will help you rake in cash into your personal account using just your mobile phone and your bank account. I have personally decided to share my amazing secrets that has helped me make millions of Naira yearly. This is not gimick. I'll physically set up your own personal online information marketing business that will rake in cash every blessed day.

I know you must have been hearing about the information & internet marketing business. Just maybe you do not know how to profit from it.
You have come to the right place. I'll set up your business for you step by step and help you make hundreds with your website.

My Testimonies are available to be proven. Feel free to contact any of the below. This is to show you how confident I am.
Testimony 1:
About a year ago, you created my website for me. I have raked in thousands cash With this website selling my product for $27 Only. Thank you very much for helping me create my information product website.
- O. Victoria
Testimony 2:
Information Product is the easiest way of making money online. I have personally rake in Millions of Naira selling information online. One of my websites created by letmedoyourwork team (Gbenga in particular) made me over N.5 Million within four months. I am confident that anyone can make money just like me. This is very real.
Testimony 3
I was sceptical about your program has i have been scammed many times by so many guru's claiming to have the holy grail. On a second thought, i decided to give your program a trial. You created my website for me and i have made over N300,000 with it.

If you are not already in on the multimillion dollars information marketing and how so many individuals are raking in massive cash then you seriously need to consider the bandwagon and obtain my service immediately. Its very amazing how this system operates. I really don't know of any system that rakes in thousands for individuals every month on a continuous basis. When you sign up for my offer and take position, you'll start making your own cash easily.

There is no doubt that the information marketing industry is one of the biggest industry online. It gives an individual the opportunity to start making money within 24 hrs. However, it can be awfully difficult to start an internet business. Let me be frank with you, there is a lot to learn and do and it can be awfully difficult for any newbie to jumpstart an information marketing business. I mean, think of all these below;

* Niche Research
* Keyword research
* Squeeze page design
* Sales letter writing
* E-book writing
* compilation of product
* E-cover design
* Pdf creation
* E-mail marketing
* Preselling
* Article marketing
* Advertising

and many many more.

The list is endless. Many individuals who have tried starting an information marketing business have either been left stranded, confused or rather not start at all. I must confess that when i did start as well, it was quite hectic for me to learn all the rudiments above. Infact, it took me over 1 year of active learning online. Yes I did learn the hard way. I am sure you don't want to go down that route.
However, the good news is that you do not have to stress yourself to make money online. This is because I'll do virtually everything for you. Yes, I'll do the work required to help you start your own internet information marketing business online. I'll practically give you what it took me over a year to learn

What Do you Require:

1. Your mobile Phone (any network is good, preferably Mtn or Glo)
2. Your Email address ( Yahoo Mail is a very good option)
3. Bank Account Details ( This is where your customers will pay you into)

This is very simple and amazing.I have made it my job to help you be successful online. Therefore, i am going to go through a process to create a profit making information marketing business that will pull massive cash into your bank account. You may ask why i am doing this, I have been very successful and I really want to help you to be successful as well to help you realise your dreams of financial freedom.

To help you achieve financial freedom, I have devise a process that will help you jumpstart your own information Product Business. Here is what I'll do for you:

a. Niche Research and Selection: I'll personally help you select a profitable niche and refine it to what you can do. If you have a prefered Niche as well, Its all good. We'll simply ensure that its a
very profitable one.

b. Product Creation: I'll help you create your own product based on your selected niche. I'll personally ensure that your product is top notch and hot that your customers will want to buy from you over and over again.

c. Sales Letter Writing: A killer sales letter determines how well your customers are convinced about your product. I'll personally write your sales letter that converts visitors to buyers.

d. WebHosting & Domain: I'll choose a domain name that fits into your prefered niche product. I'll also provide you with a hosting service to host your website Courtesy of TunityHost.

e. Advert: I'll personally write your first advert. This is key to helping you start making money. I'll help you write captivating adverts that turns your visitors to buyers.

f. I'll then give you a manual that shows you how to promote your website and manage it for profit taking. The manual will guide you on how to manage and grow your business. This manual will be given to you after we create your information Marketing Business.

This is absolutely amazing. I am practically setting up your internet Business without you lifting a finger. This is particularly rare. You'll rarely find any other person doing this much for you.

I am going to go a step further.

I'll give you top notch support via email. You'll also have access to me via telephone as well.

What I have listed above are benefits that will accrue if you take action now. If you were to speak to the top internet gurus to help you start your profitable information marketing business online, They'd probably charge you over N200,000. I personally will not write a 50 page E-book for less than N80,000. I have personally worked as a freelance sales letter writer online and the least I got for writing each is N30,000.

So how much is this worth to you? Considering over 6 processes i have to take to help you jumpstart your business, This could have cost over N100,000. Infact many online gurus will not do this for you.

However, i have decided to make this affordable (not cheap) considering the fact that i want you to be successful online and how affordable this can be. Therefore I have decided to bring this down as low as possible.

Therefore, the introductory Price is N20,000 Only.

On a second thought, i have decided to give out December bonanza to all and sundary. Therefore, for a limited period, between now and December 31, Get a price slash on this offer.

December Price Slash: N15,000 (Limited Period)

This offer will go back to its original price of N20,000 when the year is over. Therefore, take action now before its late.

To make payment, You can do so in any of the Guarantee Trust Bank PLC

A/c Name ಸಂಯೋಲು ABIDEMI
A/c No 0586010003308

Send me an email through ಅಬಿದೆಮಿ_೦೯@ಯಾಹೂ.COM with your Name, Email address, Teller Number and Tel No. We'll then start the creation of your information Marketing business and we'll hand it over to you within 7 working days.

For more enquiries or support, call us on 07030962840, 07029369228 .

This is probably one of the best offers you'll ever come across in your time online, Therefore take action before its too late.

NOTE: This Service is Available to Anyone as Long as You have Internet Access and a computer. You can also make use of a cybercafé if you desire.



SASecret System will be available for a Limited Time!

So Act Now!
Before it's too late!

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Contact Email: ಅಬಿದೆಮಿ_೦೯@ಯಾಹೂ.COM

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