Thursday, May 21, 2009


Compliment of day, I wish to contact you personally for a business transaction of 25,000 (twenty five thousand naira) hopefully that you will respond positively to this offer. I need a reliable, honest and capable person who will be able to handle this transaction hence I am contacting you, and I believe that you will never turn down my request. I am Richard Cousins, a Chartered accountant with Halifax Bank of Scotland and Chief Executive Officer of Compass Group Plc and Non-executive director Bank of Scotland. With your sincere assistant and co-operation, we can finalize this transaction, and be rest assured that this deal is worth taking and highly profitable. At this moment, I will not issue the details of this transaction until your positive response is granted. For further correspondence regarding this business proposal, send your response to me for more details or ring me on Tel: +23470328437 for further discussion on this. Thanks for your attention. Sincerely yours, SANYAOLU ABIDEMI (Mr)pioneer Accountant,BECOMING INTRACTIVE DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENT YOUTH FOUNDATION
thanks so much for ur mail i want you to know that i will really like to get to know u more and we can talk anytime so u can add me to ur buddy list or mail me back to my mail box which is ok i will be expecting to here from u thanks once again and bye
Hi how r u doing today baby,i hope and pray all is going great? I saw ur wonderfull and beautiful pics of u and u rprofile and if it is ok to say so u r one very ,very ,very Handsome,Beautiful,Fine,Sexy,well built,looking man and it would be and honor,pleasure,and blessing to know u. You r a fantsey and dream of mine I have been praying for such a long time if that is ok to say. I do have a face pic to share if u wish to see it and let me know where to send if u like. Iman honest man here and my face pic is about 3 yrs old and I have changed some since the pic was taken compaired to me now. I have lost weight,thinner in the face,built up some working on it more,and I work out more and thinner some other places. So Im not a modle typ,body builder Im just me a reg guy and like life itself and have alot of true honest love to share with the right man,I will not put up with head games and BS. If intrested let me know I can send pic,if not then u take care stay beautiful,and God Bless u babby.
Dearest, My name is SANYAOLU ABIDEMI, A native of nigeria of abeokuta south,ogunstate, I have been diagnosed with education,health,development finance throught my foundationcalled B.I.D.D.Y{BECOMING INTRACTIVE DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENT YOUTH FOUNDATION} .It has defied all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts. I have not particularly lived my life so well, as I never really cared for anyone (not even myself) but my business. Though I am very rich in response to your financial capacity, I was generous, I was always hostile to people and only focused on my business as that was the only thing I cared for. But now I regret all this, as I now know that there is more to life than just wanting to have or make all the money in the world. I believe when God gives me a second chance to come to this world I would live my life a different way from how I have lived it. Now that God has called me, I have willed and given most of my property and assets to my immediate and extended family members as well as a few close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul so, I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth. So far, Iaqm willing {if god rule in my life} distributed money to some charity organizations in the NATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF HUMANITY. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked public members,co-operate bodies and government parastatal all over the nation to come to my rescue to achieve my vision,aim,goal to the fullest of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money, which I have there to charity organization in the organisation/foundation; they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money, which no one knows of, is the huge cash deposit of eighteen million three hundred thousand Naira (N18, 300, 000, 00) that I have that finance House abroad. I will want you to help the world collect this deposit and dispatch it to charity organizations. N/B: Kindly note that 60% of this fund must go to the tsunami and hurricane victims and 40% for your effort and time. Please live right!! God be with you,

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