Thursday, May 7, 2009

internet browsing


GPRS-enabled Internet browsing system has gone nuclear with GSM service providers swearing to make it as cheap as penny stocks, putting the opportunity for making money right in your hands. The good thing about this investment window is it's affordability and accessibility. Many business-conscious individuals are looking for the above-listed qualities; hence, you will surely find your Bank Account flooded with cash learning how to configure this system for others.

As Internet browsing in Nigeria becomes very expensive and slow due to proliferation of fake service providers here and there, this cutting-edge technology that not only makes the utility, capacity and access to GPRS internet service simple but also exposes as many that are interested to the money-making opportunity in the industry.

You do not need to set-up a company to start making money even though this will give you an advantage, especially if you are serving company executives and businesses.

This cheap internet connectivity opportunity does not need any conventional modem, just your handset (GSM Phone) which now becomes your modern. You don’t have to be scared of expensive handset that many believe is the only option for getting internet access, because now more and more cheap phones are being reconfigured to do the job.

Money-Making Opportunity

You'll be shown how to make money with this opportunity but we advise that you use this connection yourself for at least 1week before you start configuring for others. This is good for you to experiment the service and it is neccessary because you must be able to speak for the product you are selling as we learnt from our Mentor Dr. Sunny Ojeagbase. This use-the-product-yourself practice has been working well for us for many years.

The moment we teach you how to browse the internet free, you can go out and start doing the installation for people and organizations wow to install this system with our Practical step by step Guide on hho are interested in the service, of course, for a fee, So, if you install for a hundred people charging each of them even as low as N10,000 minimum, that is a whooping sum of N1,000,000 for you as turnover.what is required?your phone+sim+pc or laptop how fast is the connection?very ok which IP?us ip


There are many advantages you will derive from this free Internet Connectivity system over a lot of other systems:

* One advantage is that, this is a mobile internet service, you can browse anywhere in Nigeria including your village. That is you make money offering mobile browsing services to others anywhere any time.And you will browsing the internet using us ip.

* It is flexible and adjustable to your business and work schedule. Offering this service to others you charge for configuration.

* It is transferable from your office PC to your home PC giving you an option of offering such service anywhere with one time payment to the service provider.

* You can use it any where you go from office to car to home and even while you are travelling, browsing free anytime and whenver you want to.

* you’ll know how to make money setting-up this system for others

Dear sir,i just want to say a big thank you to you for the package i bought from you called free internet browsing.I am now browsing the internet for free from the comfort of my home in kano.thank DR JIDE KOSOKO

Bonus Offer For the first 30 people to order

* Free Universal Version Of Nokia PC Suite (works with Any Old or New GPRS Compliant Model of Nokia)
* Free Activated GPRS SIM Card

How To Order

(1) Pay your =N=5,000 to FIDELITY BANK Account today and your package will be sent to you within 24hrs after confirmation of your payment anywhere you are In Nigeria.


Account Number:08560101003308

Important Notice

Immediately after your your payment Offline kindly remember to Text your payment information to my Mtn line: 07032728437 (SMS Only Please) in the following order:

free internet browsing, Your Name, Your GSM Number, Your E-mail, Bank Name & Branch, Amount Paid, Teller Number

Sample Payment Info Message You Are Expected To Send:

free internet browsing, victor promise, 08032513636,, GTBank Ijebuode, N5,000, Teller-234567

Important Information:

1. If you are in Lagos or you'll like to come physically to our office for Instant connection guide, please send SMS to book the time you want to come immediately after your payment to our account. we shall in turn reply to give your the appropriate direction to our office or sales centre.
2. For orders from outside Lagos or for people who may not find it convenient to come to our office to collect connection guide personally, please text your E-mail address in full where you want us to send your package with your GSM Number as soon as we inform you that your payment has been confirmed.

We are anxiously waiting to welcome you onboard. Order for your package today.

DAYI .sanyaolu
Tel: 07032728437
PS: Please remember that If you are in Lagos or you'll like to come physically to our office for Instant connection guide, simply request for time you want to come immediately after your payment to our account.

PPS: For orders from outside Lagos or for people who may not find it convenient to come to our office for direct connection guide, please Submit-Ur-E-mail address in full where you want us to send your package as soon as we confirm your payment. my name is sanyaolu abidemi, nigeria.NO 1infomation marketer and internet marketer

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1 comment:

biddyet2020 said...

hello can u amount me